Getting Started


Coming soon.

Manual Build

Toolchain and Build Dependencies

These are likely provided in some form by either your distribution’s package manager or pre-installed and loaded via commands such as with Environment Modules:

  • GNU Make > 4.2

  • A C/C++ compiler: Currently supported compilers are GCC, Clang, Cray, Intel, IBM XL and NVHPC.

  • (Optional) A Fortran compiler: Currently supported compilers are GFortran, Cray, Intel, IBM XL and NVHPC.

  • (Optional) An MPI implementation: Any implementation with the mpicc, mpicxx, and mpif90 wrappers is supported.

  • (Optional) NVIDIA CUDA > 9.2

Library Dependencies

These may also be provided from various package managers and modules, however they must be built with a specific configuration and with the same compiler toolchain that you plan on using to build OP2:

  • (Optional) (PT-)Scotch: Used for mesh partitioning. You must build both the sequential Scotch and parallel PT-Scotch with 32-bit indicies (-DIDXSIZE=32) and without threading support (remove -DSCOTCH_PTHREAD).

  • (Optional) ParMETIS: Used for mesh partitioning.

  • (Optional) HDF5: Used for HDF5 I/O. You may build with and without --enable-parallel (depending on if you need MPI), and then specify both builds via the environment variables listed below.


To build the MPI enabled OP2 libraries you will need a parallel HDF5 build, however you only need a sequential HDF5 build if you need HDF5 support for the sequential OP2 libraries.


First, clone the repository:

git clone
cd OP2-Common

Then, setup toolchain configuration:

export OP2_COMPILER={gnu, cray, intel, xl, nvhpc}

Alternatively for a greater level of control:

export OP2_C_COMPILER={gnu, clang, cray, intel, xl, nvhpc}
export OP2_C_CUDA_COMPILER={nvhpc}
export OP2_F_COMPILER={gnu, cray, intel, xl, nvhpc}


In some scenarios you may be able to use a profile rather than specifying an OP2_COMPILER. See makefiles/ for more information.

Then, specify the paths to the library dependency installation directories:

export PT_SCOTCH_INSTALL_PATH=<path/to/ptscotch>
export PARMETIS_INSTALL_PATH=<path/to/parmetis>
export HDF5_{SEQ, PAR}_INSTALL_PATH=<path/to/hdf5>

export CUDA_INSTALL_PATH=<path/to/cuda/toolkit>


You may not need to specify the X_INSTALL_PATH varaibles if the include paths and library search paths are automatically injected by your package manager or module system.

Verify the compiler and library setup:

make -C op2 detect

Finally, build OP2 and an example app:

make -C op2 -j$(nproc)
make -C apps/c/airfoil/airfoil_plain/dp -j$(nproc)


The MPI variants of the libraries and apps will only be built if an mpicxx executable is found. It is up to you to ensure that the MPI wrapper wraps the compiler you specify via OP2_COMPILER. To manually set the path to the MPI executables you may use MPI_INSTALL_PATH.